On 09/16/2011 05:20 AM, mike cloaked wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 4:36 AM, Kevin J. Cummings
> <cummi...@kjchome.homeip.net> wrote:
>> The WiFi in my laptop gave up the ghost.  Doesn't matter what card I put
>> in the mini PCIe slot, the system doesn't think anything is there.
>> So, I bought one of those "new" $7 Wifi dongles for the USB port.
>> Surprisingly small!  802.11n capable as well!

Here's the link to my dongle's product info:

> http://www.ralink.tw/download.php?t=U0wyRnpjMlYwY3k4eU1ERXhMekEzTHpFeEwzQnliMlIxWTNRMU5qTTVNekEyT1RjMUxuQmtaajA5UFZKVU5UTTNNRjl3Y205a2RXTjBYMkp5YVdWbUM%3D


> I have on order one of the small wifi adapters which I believe should
> work with the  rt2870usb also - and I will be very interested to hear
> of any progress - the reason I ordered the new one was that I have a
> device that was working fine with the realtek rtl8712SU driver but I
> cannot compile the driver with the 3.1 kernel as there are compile
> errors - and I want to test a laptop that needs this running f16 pre
> beta - there is supposed to be a suitable driver in kmod staging for
> the latter but kmod staging for f16 is not yet available.
> So I thought I would try the rt2870 device and I will fiddle with it
> properly once it arrives in the coming days.  I see you are using f14
> - have you tried installing kmod-staging from rpmfusion to see if
> there is a driver there?

No, I have not.  How would I know if there is support for my dongle (or

> I will post more once I get my device and tinker with it.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)
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