On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:
> On 09/16/2011 06:19 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
>> If you want to adapt the DE to your needs (as opposed to adapting
>> yourself to a new DE), KDE seems to be the best possible choice.
> The first time I used XFCE after installing it, my desktop looked almost
> exactly the same way it had under Gnome 2.  My wallpaper was the same,
> my panel was where I wanted it, with most of the icons I wanted right
> where they'd always been (I'd love to get rid of the Trash icon and Show
> Desktop icon, but aside from that, it's almost exactly the same.) and so
> on.  Almost no learning curve.  That's why I recommend it.  Can KDE do
> the same?

I tinkered with xfce this evening on an old laptop running f16 - I
actually pretty well like xfce and it is pretty snappy on old hardware
too, as well as being pretty configurable - the only initial
irritation was that I could not set up scrolling and tapping on the
touchpad - but adding stuff to the config file in
/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf got things the way I

Certainly it was functionally useful and even compared to KDE on that
machine which at the present time is pretty sluggish even with the
faster kernel-3.1.0-0.rc6.git0.3.fc16 installed and running - so it
was a breath of fresh air trying xfce on that machine - I have no
doubt that KDE in f16 on a faster more up to date machine would do
what I needed... but there is a choice of DEs which is nice.
mike c
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