> Yes, they're human, just as Bill Gates and all of his minions are. 
> However, when it comes to the Gnome devs, I've never seen the slightest 
> indication that they even pay attention to what the users want or need, 
> let alone their complaints.  This is one of the many reasons I don't use 
> Gnome any more.

Well in some senses I'm not surprised - I think there is a bit of siege
mentality, but they even systematically blocked a proposal to do a user
survey recently.

One job of any developer is to stop things being done as quick fixes or
adjustments to fix things for a specific use case to the detriment of the
others. Giving users what they want as opposed to what they need
sometimes leads to very bad results. In a lot of cases the users are
other programmers but the UI people have an enormous number of folks they
interface to very directly.
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