Thanks for your answer
unfortunately the fallback mode is not an issue

teachers here want gnome3
i guess i will do without these boxes

Eric Doutreleau

Le 30/08/2011 20:47, stan a écrit :
> On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 10:47:57 +0200
> Eric Doutreleau<>  wrote:
>> I have just installed fedora15 and therefore move to gnome3.
>> we have several hundreds of pc in lab environnement where 4000+ users
>> can log in.
>> There s a lot of different nationalities among these users and i have
>> dozens of languages installed.
>> In fedora 13 people could select ( after typing their login )
>> selecting:
>> the WM
>> The language
>> the keyboard
>> Now i have only access to the choose of WM.
>> Does someone know how i can get back the two other selection box?
> I run F15 x86_64.  Because I am using old hardware, it defaults to
> fallback mode.  I start it with startx after logging in at a console,
> so I can't tell you if the greeter still allows language and keyboard
> selection, though I know that F14 does.  Since the fallback mode is
> more like Gnome 2, it might still have the language and keyboard
> selection.  You can read more about the fallback mode here.
> I didn't like the dark look, so I used information from the above site
> to change the adwaita theme colors.  It is now just CSS, so easy to
> change. I tried loading other themes, but that doesn't seem to be
> possible yet. I suspect that much of Gnome 3 is a work in progress at
> this point, with lots of user friendliness yet to be implemented.
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