I love this Fedora-14, and everything Red Hat, but Fedora-15 is a lot
like those vile Windows OS's..  irritating, offensive, difficult to use
with ease, and gosh awful gaudy...  Sorry, but to me it just is.. I
tried it for a week, and formatted it off the hard drive, and snapped
the CD in-two.. And I'm told that F-14 dies in a few months, which I
suppose means that there won't be any more security an function
updates..  A sad day on planet-earth when F-14 dies...
Would someone please tell me..  Why is F-15 such a mess..?  The worst
thing is the jumbled up desktop..
And there's nothing in right click..  And you can't run two home files
simultaneous.. I need that for script and photo editing...  You can't
remove a desktop image from the file..  You can't delete the top
toolbar, nor the other bits of junk, to make a clean desktop...  Office
isn't in the program options...  All in all Fedora-15 is a mess as far
as I'm concerned...  No offence meant in the slightest to the geniuses
and lords at Red Hat..  I love the Linux core people for what they do
for humanity, but this F-15 is a very bad change..  I just can't use
that horrid F-15 OS..  It fights me..  It feels like it hates me..  It
doesn't do what I need an OS to do..  F-15 is a just a big mistake..
You'll see...

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