On 08/30/2011 12:05 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 08/30/2011 11:36 AM, Julius Smith wrote:
>> I found alacarte, gnome-shell-extensions-alternative-status-menu,
>> etc., to recover lost functionality.
> Right now, I'm running XFCE 4.6 on my desktop, but I've used a 
> third-party repo to upgrade my laptop to 4.8.  (I'm always a tad more 
> careful with my main box; among other things, when it's time to upgrade 
> Fedora, the laptop always goes first.)  The first time I logged in after 
> the upgrade, XFCE asked if I wanted the default desktop or if I 
> preferred copying over my old settings.  Naturally, I picked the latter 
> because I'd already gotten things the way I wanted them and saw no 
> reason to repeat the experience.
> I think it would be a Good Thing for Gnome 3 to do something similar 
> after upgrading from Gnome 2.x.  Yes, I realize that there are things, 
> such as desktop icons and the placement of buttons on the bottom panel 
> that can't be carried over but you should at least have the option of 
> having your menus copied over with whatever customizations are still 
> appropriate.  Also, if somebody were to write a utility that could look 
> at your old settings and help you get the most important ones working 
> (or, at least, something equivalent working) it would make the 
> transition much easier.
> Please note: I may not run Gnome any more, or even want to, but that 
> doesn't mean that I'm not willing to make suggestions on how to make it 
> easier for users to adapt to it.
Good idea, a Gnome-2 to Gnome-3 migration tool? This might work if
done as an upgrade, but can this tool be smart enough to ask if one
wishes to "import" after a fresh install, be it a partition or virtual

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