Without intending a flamewar (after all, we have to move forward,
wherever that means), the linked article[1] is not interesting or unique
in its blatant criticism of the Windows 8 interface, but it is
interesting that the author sees the Windows 8 interface as a chance for
Linux to get the upper hand on the desktop:

Is he right and we're moving badly in the wrong direction (as in, an
interface with a more traditional GUI feel would be a big winner?) or is
competing with a similar look-and-feel as the default while providing
lots of traditional-feeling alternatives a winning attitude?

I haven't found any debate written anywhere public about a deliberate
decision to try to "out-Windows8 Windows8" as far as interface is
concerned, but it seems this is what Gnome 3 is aimed at.

Now that F15 has had a few weeks of heavy use, and people have either
adapted to the new interface or adopted a permanently frustrated
attitude toward it, I'm curious the general feeling. (Sorry, my English
is giving out -- I think this last sentence may be weird.)


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