On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Nat Gross <nat1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know that things just look bleak right now, someone please help me
> see all my operating systems upon boot.
> Ok, the details:
> Windows 7 Ultra system with ONE 1-TB hard drive. Purchased that way.
> When the last Ubuntu (11.4 I think) was released I installed it on the
> system in order to practice KDE 4.6 when not using Windows, while
> waiting for Fedora 15. So, until my Fedora 15 install on this machine,
> Windows 7 was my primary system, KUbuntu secondary but with enough
> tweaking that I don't want to wipe it until completely comfortable
> with Fedora 15.
> So, today I installed Fedora 15 from DVD. I made sure that it did not
> use any of the used partitions and setup a new set of partitions for
> Fedora 15.
> Fedora installed ok and boots up, but to my horror F15 did not append
> itself to the Grub2 list (installed by Ubuntu). So neither Windows 7
> nor Ubuntu is available on the bootloader list.
> This should be minor for those well versed with Grub2, but I am at a
> loss and a bit frightened.
> Thank you much,
> -nat

After I did a software update (57 pkg's) and rebooted, I thought I saw
the Grub menu for a fleeting moment.
I rebooted again, this time constantly tapping the keyboard. Lo and
behold, there was Grub with option "Other", which booted Win 7 just
fine. Oh, and the default, F15 was about to load. The timeout was on 0
seconds. Kinda tough to get quicker than that!

Thank you all.
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