Hiisi wrote:
> On 15 June 2011 04:58, Cameron Simpson<c...@zip.com.au>  wrote:
>> On 14Jun2011 16:13, Hiisi<hi...@fedoraproject.org>  wrote:
>> | Is it possible to run twm on fedora 15?
>> | I can't find anything on it in documentation. The only link I've found
>> | so far is this:
>> | 
>> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/12/html/Deployment_Guide/s2-x-clients-winmanagers.html
>> | It's outdated and doesn't work. I did the following:
>> | became root and run init 3
>> | then xinit -e /usr/bin/twm
>> | After that there was an error from X-server about usb-configuration
>> | and then it halted.
>> > From "man xinit" (admittedly, not on F15):
>>        Below are several examples of how command line arguments in xinit
>>        are used. [...]
>>        xinit -e widgets -- ./Xorg -l -c
>>                This  will  use the command .Xorg -l -c to start the server
>>                and will append the arguments -e widgets to the default xterm
>>                command.
>> So you ended up running:
>>   xterm /usr/bin/twm
>> versus the more correct (syntacticly, anyway - it is still the wrong
>> thing to do).
>> The standard way to get full control is to make a ~/.xsession shell
>> script. For example, mine:
>>   #!/bin/sh
>>   . /etc/profile
>>   . $HOME/.profile
>>   exec $HOME/rc/x11/session
>> and then the "session" script it runs at the bottom starts the tools of
>> your choice and then execs your preferred window mangler.
>> Then just do a GUI login as normal. As yourself, _NOT_ as root!
>> Try not to muck with root's environment - it is best to not get
>> surprises when root.
>> Untested example:
>>   #!/bin/sh
>>   ( xterm&
>>   )
>>   exec twm
>> (The purpose of the subshell it to make the clients - xterm - not be
>> children of the WM - avoids zombies).
>> Or you could just have the .xsession:
>>   #!/bin/sh
>>   . /etc/profile
>>   . $HOME/.profile
>>   ( xterm&
>>   )
>>   exec twm
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Cameron Simpson<c...@zip.com.au>  DoD#743
>> http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/
> Hi, Cameron!
> Sorry for delay with response. I was on vacation since upgrading my
> wife_rc1 (aka bride) to wife.i386.rpm. That was nice trip to Turkey,
> Marmaris.
> Thank you for clarification. I just tested it on F14 and now twm
> starts. It warn me about lack of dozen fonts but seems to be working.
> Actually problem was that I had to install xterm-261-2.fc14.x86_64 in
> order to start twm using either xinit or any other way you suggested.
> Tomorrow will test it on my F15 installation.
Amazing how GNOME3 has boosted the popularity of functional WM ;-)

If you're pulling in old stuff, an old version of gnome-terminal might work, 
although I do like xterm, used to start one in console mode white text on blue, 
and then a user term in green on black. Old trick, have anything system related 
very different so you don't reprise the old "typed that in the wrong window" 

Enjoy the wife, computers are just ones and zeros.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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