On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 22:23 +0930, Tim wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 13:11 -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> > People were saying that the same problem got the same message a
> year 
> > ago, but it said "Fedora 11" that time. So I have a suggestion, if
> no 
> > one in the support group looks at a bug in 180 days, close it with
> a 
> > DONTCARE status and tell the submitter that no one could be bothered
> > to even look at the bug in half a year. And do the same thing if a
> bug
> > sits in NEEDINFO for six months, if no one responds in that length
> of
> > time they probably no longer care.
> I have to wonder about some bugs, whether it's "don't care" or "don't
> have a damn clue about programming correctly".
> e.g. I submitted a bug, years ago, that was easily demonstrated, and
> continued through about three different releases of Fedora, and
> probably
> still exists. 
I mentioned this problem to Rahul awhile ago. The Bugzilla process is
like the "do not track" option in Firefox. You can request an action but
the servicing of that request is optional. I find it routine that bugs I
report are not fixed.
But if one is an optimist one can take the position that having the bug
fixed if you don't report it is an even rarer event.
The Czechs announced after Sputnik that they, too, would launch a
satellite. Of course, it would orbit Sputnik, not Earth!
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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