Around 03:28am on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (UK time), Reindl Harald scrawled:

> sorry i can not resist, but i have never heard such a foolish statement
> like "i want to break my package-managment"

You haven't been exposed to many foolish statements then.

For what its worth, there are a couple of programs that are installed by
yum as default in Fedora that I always select to not install and then
manually install myself. My reasons for doing this include keeping my
hand in at manual installation and making sure I have the latest version
(not that they change often).

I also install a number of programs I have written that way, too. 

If someone wants to do this, I think that it is a good way of learning a
bit more about *computers* and certainly not something to be disparaged.
Some of us enjoy messing about with our PCs.

Having said all that, OP: where did you get your tarfile from?


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