On 24 June 2011 10:24, L <yuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> After upgraded to fedora 15, most are working well. The gnome 3
> desktop are weired. It frequently freeze, not responding to mouse or
> keyboard. I have to login a virtual term (alt+ctrl+F2) to restart gdm
> (init 3; init 5). I checked Xorg.0.log file and output of dmesg, I
> can't spot any hint.


> Any one experienced this or where is find a fix? thanks
> Y

Yes, I did. However my system isn't upgraded but a fresh install of
'F15-all-stock' (i.e. no 'third party repositories' and minor gnome
customizations). As it is my working computer I couldn't investigate
the case anyhow deeper than run an eye over logs. In my case the
culprit was 'empathy-messenger'. Whenever new message arrives it
pop-ups in a black rectangle at the right corner of the floating
bottom panel. In a few cases I saw the screen freezed just when bottom
panel appeared over the screen and before black rectangle containing
message was rendered. So, I've switched to pidgin and now everything
works like a charm!
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