On 06/24/2011 08:19 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
> People,
> On Fri, 24 Jun 2011 11:32:28 -0400, Jared K. Smith wrote:
>> As of today (24 June 2011), Fedora 13 has reached its end of life for
>> updates and support. No further updates, including security updates,
>> will be available for Fedora 13. A previous reminder was sent on June
>> 12th [0].
> No-one has been able to offer a solution to the boot problem for my
> Gateway LT30 netbook - I am still getting similar problems to the ones
> I got after the Beta and RCs XFCE Live CD version installs to HD - so
> I am reposting in the hope that someone will see it this time who has
> a solution.
> Booting on the installed system hangs so I:
> - boot to single user - OK
> - "init 2" - OK
> - "init 3" - OK
> - "init 5" - Fails with "/dev/fb0" does not exist errors (it does
> exist) - the same problem as the previous versions.
> I want to try F15 on this machine (it currently runs F13) because F14
> had a problem with a slow, sluggish mouse but I am not having much
> success with F15 either so far . .
> Xorg.0.log attached and any suggestions about fixes or debugging
> appreciated . .
> Regards,
> Phil.
All I can offer is that I will try to boot the FC15 live
and see what I can glean from it.
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