Genes MailLists ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on 
24/06/2011 19:28:
> On 06/24/2011 01:19 PM, antonio montagnani wrote:
>> KDE works fine, my system is not new, old Core 2 system.
>> So, what shall I dig in??
>> Any update to be removed??
>   Ug sorry - at least you have a fallback mode (KDE) - gnome puts a
> higher burdon on the graphics driver which is most likely whats causing
> the issue
>   I don't see any interesting nouveau patches in the upcoming F15 kernel
> so - also I am assuming you are not in 'fallback' mode with gnome 3
> which turns off the 3D graphics requirements - so now I wonder if you or
> a gnomexpert knows how to switch gnome to fallback mode - which has a
> chance of working ?
>   If you look in /var/log/Xorg* is there anything interesting in there ?
>   I have deleted your orig post - with a view to graphics issues you
> could see if your list of recent installs offer any hints what may have
> changed.
I forgot to say that I upgraded also xulrunner and firefox from 
Downgrading solvesany issue: but what is worst that sameupdates have 
been pushed to stable!!!! Shame on it

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Linux Fedora 15 Lovelock on Casa
Linux user number 362582

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