In Fedora 15 Gnome 3 using the Avant Window Navigator (AWN). Recently
on 21 June 2011, AWN was updated to version 0.4.1-0.4.bzr830.fc15

Now the popup window-selection menu is drawn wrong. This popup is what
you see when you have more than one window in the same group/icon - it
lets you choose which one to switch to.  After this update the
rendering of the layout of the items in that popup menu is messed up.
First, each item is given an overly large box (each perhaps 300 px
tall?), and the text within each no longer wraps, but instead extends
off both the left and right borders.  A bit of text even appears to
spill out of the window's border entirely and floats above the

There's a second problem too, but it was also there before this AWN
update.  If there is an open application window that is large enough
and underlays the area where the AWN dock bar appears (mine is
anchored on the right side of the display), then when you get the
window-selection menu, it is not possible to move the mouse over to it
to select one of the choices. This is because, when you have
focus-follows-mouse, there is a gap between the AWN dock bar and the
window selection menu, and focus is lost before the mouse can move
over to it, causing the menu window to automatically close.

Thanks for any help.
Deron Meranda
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