On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 08:49 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> First let me say my installation of F15 went extremely well. Sound ,
> video, printing, etc worked without problems. My log files were
> recorded. But still mysteries continue.
> 1.. Workspaces
> I can fine no good explanation of how workspaces work in Gnome3. Despite
> statements on the video their use is far from intuitive. But I figured
> it out. However some screwiness remains.
> Why are only two workspaces available? I found  this can't be changed.

That's incorrect. In Gnome 3 the number of workspaces is dynamic, rather
than fixed. If you are on workspace 2 and open a window, a blank
workspace 3 is automatically created below you, for future use.

> Even stranger I found you could not put instances of the same program in
> both workspaces. For example,  if Firefox is in one workspace a
> different instance of Firefox can't be put in the second workspace. If
> anyone out there knows how to do that I would be glad to hear about it.

You can put different windows in different workspaces, but if you just
click on the Firefox icon, it does not open a new window by default.
Instead, it takes you to your last-used window of that application.

If you right-click on the Firefox icon, you'll see "New Window"

> Finally, alt-tab is supposed to something relative to workspaces but
> what?

Alt-tab switches between applications, not workspaces.

Alt-~ (tilde) switches between windows of a particular application.

> 2, Poweroff
> It seems pretty lame  that to poweroff you have to hold down the alt key
> to change the Suspend option to Poweroff. Why couldn't the menu  have
> both of them?

yum install

> I guess these are really questions for the developers but they are still
> interesting questions.
> -- 
> =======================================================================
> Thufir's a Harkonnen now.
> =======================================================================
> Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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