On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 08:15:45 -0500, AK wrote:

> In the section headed "Does chkconfig command work with systemd?
> The last line says: chkconfig --list doesn't list systemd services,
> which is a slightly more obscure statement. Are not services like sshd
> services systemd services. I suspect from the warning that is produuces
> when it is run there is at least one class of systemd services that
> chkconfig --list will not report on.
> Could you clarify the meaning of the warning produced when it is run?

Compare the output with e.g.

  systemctl -t service --all

sshd and similar services [still] ship System V/LSB compatible init scripts,
whereas systemd knows about services beyond that, which are not accessible
with chkconfig.

There are also a few incompatibilities between chkconfig --list and/or --level
and systemd. http://bugz.fedoraproject.org/chkconfig
For example,

# runlevel 
N 5
# chkconfig sshd on
# chkconfig --level 5 sshd off
# reboot

and systemd will start sshd nevertheless. A "chkconfig sshd off" would
have disabled the service for all runlevels, and systemd would have
accepted that.
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