On 06/14/2011 07:48 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 06/14/2011 01:38 PM, Joachim Backes wrote:
>> After choosing xfce or LXDE as my favorite desktop and logging in and
>> then starting gnome-terminal, I see a weird effect: gnome-terminal is
>> popped up in a normal size, but then the width shrinks automatically and
>> slowly to about the half width. How to get rid of this behaviour?
>> This happens even width freshly created users.
>> All comments are welcome.
> Same thing happens here.  But, quickly...not slowly.  I don't know how
> to "fix" it...but sounds like candidate for a bugzilla.

I will open a BZ.

Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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