On 12/06/2011 11:12 PM, David wrote:
> I see. Now I understand you completely. Since Linux is user supported. I
> am sure that the developers would welcome any tutorials that you would
> write and provide. That is the way the Linux works.
> As for "the folks in Redmond"? I doubt that they will loose a minute of
> sleep over your efforts unless you really, really put forth major
> efforts in this respect.
> Have a good day.


No point in arguing with this guy.  This *is* the reason why linux in 
general is the state in which you describe.  Responses like his only 
further prove your points.  It's too bad that there are way more David's 
out there than those like you who have valid arguments for what you were 
describing.  If one gets this kind of reaction for merely suggesting 
something helpful to bring more into the fold, then it is really no 
wonder.  With attitudes like this, noobs would be scared to ask 
questions for fear of flames and or RTFM type answers.  This elitist 
type of attitude is something I have always despised but seems to run 
pretty big in the linux community.  If you do not agree with me then you 
are wrong.  If you don't know as much as me then you're dumb and what 
you say doesn't matter.

Just my 2 cents,

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