Petrus de Calguarium <pgueckel@...> writes:

> Andre Robatino wrote:
> > If the command IS actually necessary, it would also be good
> > to determine if it's necessary to do the cd command first, and remove it
> > if not, for the same reason.
> That is for experts to ascertain.

Anyone who actually _needs_ to run mozilla-plugin-config manually to make the
plugin work could determine this by simple testing - going through the
instructions leaving out the cd command. In any case, mozilla-plugin-config is a
very short script, and I removed the cd instructions from the wiki after reading
it and deciding they weren't necessary. It invokes
/usr/lib*/nspluginwrapper/plugin-config, which is a binary, so I can't be
absolutely sure, but since I'm not affected, I can't determine by testing.

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