>> Is there one for LVM, yet?  Because I don't recall lack of error
>> correction programs preventing LVM being inflicted upon us.

Mikkel L. Ellertson:
> LVM is not a file system. It is more on the line of a partitioning
> setup. You check the individual file systems contained in the LVM
> partitions, not the partition. Part of this is that the LVM
> partition may span more then one drive.

Let me put it this way, then:  If you try to boot a system, and the
filesystem within the LVM is stuffed, are you going to be able to do a
rudimentary boot (ala runlevel 1) and fsck it to sort it out?

On a completely non LVM installation, if there was enough of the
filesystem around, you could do that.  I don't recall that it was
possible if your system used LVM.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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