On Mon June 6 2011, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 12:58:51 -0400
> John Aldrich wrote:
> > I had to go and un-mute everything. Bloody idiots,
> > IMNSHO, who decided to mute everything on an upgrade!
> Well, that's a better direction than the time I had
> to replace all the glass in my house because it was
> shattered when a new release set the volume to max
> and played the gnome startup sound :-).
Why reset *anything*??? Why not keep the existing settings??? If I'm having
to fsck around with the speakers and volume settings, if I accidentally
manage to figure out what the hell is causing me NOT to have any sound, I'm
likely to blow my eardrums at the least!
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