On Mon, 2011-06-06 at 09:47 +0100, Neil Bird wrote:
> Around about 03/06/11 20:01, Patrick O'Callaghan typed ...
> > A simple iPod mounts as a storage device, but a Touch or iPhone is a
> > more complex beast with its own protocol. I'm at my work machine but
> > when I get a chance I'll check my home machine which already has this
> > set up.
>    I think, in the first instance, it was the iPod being am @rse:  it wanted 
> me to connect it to iTunes before it'd do anything (power-on only showed a 
> USB->iTunes picture).
>    We put iTunes on my son's laptop, and the iPod burst into life.
>    *Then* I connected it to my son's Linux login and it showed up.  However, 
> I still get the same error (even after logging out and back in) in my login. 
>   Most odd.
> > Note that you can update music etc. using Rhythmbox or Amarok but you
> > won't be able to do everything (such as update the firmware) except via
> > iTunes. I do it with a Windows VM, which also requires a bit of setup.
>    It does indeed now show up installed music in Rhythmbox (and gtkpod); 
> however, we're incapable of installing music from that end.  R says it's 
> there after a bit of chugging, but the iPod doesn't;  nuplug it & re-insert 
> it & it's gone.
>    Pretty much all my music is in .ogg;  I had presumed that R would convert 
> this to AAC or something upon copy, but iTunes is unwilling to do so, so 
> maybe it's that.
>    I've had to resort to exporting a selection to MP3 as “normal”, putting 
> that into a dri set up to share for Windows, and then copy it on from the 
> laptop's iTunes.  Bit of a PITA, but at least it works.
>    I shall be trying a Windows VM at some point in the semi-near future, so 
> it you have any pointers in that regard, it'd be appreciated!

One of the goodies just announced today by The Steve as part of IOS 5 is
over-the-air syncing and updating. In fact he claims you'll be able to
run an IOS 5 device without having a computer, not even to set it up out
of the box.


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