suvayu ali writes:

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Ed Greshko <> wrote:
> On 06/06/2011 08:25 AM, Alex wrote:
>> The Adobe page points to an i386 version, and no Adobe Labs version is
>> currently available. How can I continue to use the 64-bit version on
>> fedora as an RPM with the current version?
> The 64 bit version is available from Adobe Labs....just not in rpm format.

Adobe hasn't updated the 64 bit flash plugin in many months (6 to be specific).

FWIW -- still works fine in F15, but you still need Linus's patch to workaround the plugin's memcpy bug -- which should be fixed in the next release of the 64 bit plugin, whenever they decide to cut one.

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