On 06/05/2011 05:42 AM, Mark C. Allman wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 09:19 -0700, Michael Eager wrote:
>>>> Has anyone been able to install VM Workstation 6.5 on Fedora 15?
>>> FWIW,I have VMware 7.1.4 build-385536 running.  No issues.
>> Thanks.  Guess it's time to buy the upgrade.
> If you don't explicitly need "workstation" you could use VMplayer, which
> I think is free.  I've been using vmware workstation since somewhere in
> their version 4 or 3 releases so I keep it up to date.  Sometimes there
> are "issues" but the smart folks on this list usually either know what
> to do or can make suggestions on what to try.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Installed VMplayer 3.1.4 on Fedora 15 and
it runs fine.

Michael Eager    ea...@eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077
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