On 06/02/2011 02:57 PM, Lars E. Pettersson wrote:

> My biggest problem with Gnome 3 is that things that I could do by moving 
> the mouse, and a single mouse click, now needs several moves and several 
> mouse clicks, this severely disrupts my work flow. At the moment I have 
> moved to Xfce (which I aesthetically does not like, but can be made to 
> work the way I am used to), but I will check to see if new extensions 
> etc. turns up that make Gnome 3 usable (for me).

 One possible problem with add-on extensions is that there is no
guarantee they will continue to work as things evolve (much like firefox
addons break as it evolves) unless they get absorbed into the core Gnome
shell or the addon developers stay very closely on top of things.

 Then you have the timing problem - when exactly are add-ons updated to
reflect changes in Gnome core? Before they hit testing - after they hit

 Sounds a bit dodgy to me to rely on these unless they get some
guarantee of working on a forward basis.

 I'm willing to take some risks and bang at things ... but if you're
not, then at least be cautious with what extensions you rely on for your
daily activities.

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