On 05/31/11 10:24, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
> For my PC
> Fedora 15 update fails
> Fedora 15 install CD fails to boot
> Fedora 15 Live KDE fails to boot
> All fail to finish initialising hardware.
> smolt page :
> http://www.smolts.org/client/show/pub_4917245b-ea15-44b1-ae4d-788c70a5a3d9
> Result : I shall not be updating to Fedora 15 any time soon
> I provide this information reluctantly based on my previous experience
> posting to this community, which laughingly suggests it provides
> assistance, encouragement, and advice.
You are not the only one who has seen the responses
of jaded individuals. They are just tired of seeing reports
of problems without the type of supporting information
that THEY would have liked to see.
It happens to everyone after some years of seeing so
many problem reports.
So my advice is for you to develop a thicker skin and
ignore them. Keep posting your problem along with
more information such as messages in /var/log/messages
which might shed some light on the nature of the
problem you are facing. Ultimately, someone will have
the insight and be able to provide help.
 From my experience with this list, there really are
not that many people on this list that post solutions
to people's problems. So, have patience.

My $.02's worth: have you tested your CD/DVD drive
for flaws or other problems? WHat about the burned
CDs DVDs. Did you run the sanity check on them?
Anaconda has that built-in when you boot from the
Fedora installation CDs and DVDs.


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