On 05/30/2011 08:35 PM, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
> As I've said elsewhere I will[snip]
> Based on my experience,[snip]
Your continued repeating of your anti-F15 "recommendations" and the lack 
of actual technical information and/or screenshots other than it did not 
work makes you look like a troll. A quick google for your email address 
shows you had similar "recommendations" when your upgrade to Fedora 12 
failed. Seems you are the only person in the universe that just can not 
make those upgrades work again and again and then recommends that others 
not upgrade because your upgrade failed for unknown reasons.

How about you stop with your imo baseless "recommendations" and start 
providing detailed technical information and screenshots to those who 
asked for them so they can help you find the issue and possibly fix it?

Or are you just a troll spreading FUD?

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