On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 01:49 -0400, Chris Kloiber wrote:

> VirtualBox 4.0.8 does enough 3d emulation (after installing the client 
> tools) to start Gnome3.
> I am having a problem though when I try to access the "System 
> Settings"/"System Info" icon. The window appears to open, but it's 
> completely white. If you dare click anywhere on anything else, (like the 
> "Application" link, the Clock, or your full name) the whole screen turns 
> white, and the font goes to hell.

I can confirm both of these things. I do have an F15 VirtualBox guest
running with F14 as the host OS, and I can repeat this phenomenon with
the System Info. Very weird. CTRL-Alt-Backspace (sends you back to the
login screen) also works for recovery. I have yet to figure out how to
do a CTRL-ALT-F2 in a Vbox guest, as this normally sends the *host* OS
to the text console. Probably some Vbox setting we have different.
CTRL-Alt-Backspace can be sent to the guest from the Machine menu in


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