On 30/05/11 13:23, Frank Murphy wrote:
> On 30/05/11 13:20, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 wrote:
>> It also appears the old LVM partition had become corrupted as when
>> booting the rescue DVD I couldn't see my old home directory. Anyway I'm
>> going to reinstall Fedora 14, update to latest releases, and then try
>> again. Hopefully, with this being a standard Fedora 14 it'll succeed.
> Why not fresh install F15?

I only had a fedora 14 install DVD, and yes, I should have created a
fedora 15 install DVD first. Basically I should know better!!!

Apart from which I'm looking to upgrade my laptop Fedora 14 -> 15. So
determining if I can do this reliably first is the idea. Whatever, I
need either my Desktop or Laptop working reliably. Currently for Fedora
15, updating appears to be a potentially disastrous operation based on
my experience. There is also the possibility of other Fedora 15 quirks
I'd like to sort out beforehand as well.

Regardless,your point was well made.
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