On 30/05/11 11:16, Bob Goodwin wrote:

>          Ok, I did "systemctl enable network.service" but ethtool eth0
>          still protests "No such device."

Have you got:
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0  content?

>          It looks like it may be working during the boot process, all I
>          see are "OK's" no "fail" I tried creating a new user, no joy
>          there either. As I say it arose from messing with chkconfig and
>          not knowing what I was going to screw up.
>          Yes, I've used system-config-network to set up the connection
>          and that still looks good.
>          Bob
  chkconfig --list
and post the output

I use XFCE, but the bedrock should be the same.


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