Am 26.05.2011 13:51, schrieb Jouk Jansen:
> wrote on 26-MAY-2011 13:25:19.97
> Thanks Harald for the quiack answer, but...
>> Am 26.05.2011 13:11, schrieb Jouk Jansen:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Today I tried to upgrade one of my machines from F14->F15 (x86-64) using the
>>> DVD distribution. All was OK till booting in to the new F15. Somewhere in
>>> the booting process it seems to "hang" forever. The last printed message on
>>> the screen is:
>>> Started LSB: Installs coredump handler which saves segfault data.
>>> Any ideas how to solve this problem?
>>>                 Thanks
>>>                    Jouk
>> Boot into single user mode and disable services.
>> # LANG=C chkconfig --list|fgrep 5:on
> so far succeded
>> to see the last of activated LSB services.
>> # chkconfig<servicename>  off
>> to turn them off
> The list consists of all "normal" services. No idea what are the last ones.
> Do you suggest to switch them all off? (this means also the normal ones like
> sshd, auditd, iptables etc...)
>              Jouk

Well, make a list of activated services, then turn them off one by one, 
until you find the bad one. Then turn on the others again.
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