Lewis NH2 wrote:
> Good Evening,
> I have a SOHO, and I like to access/answer my emails from every
> workstations. Of course everything should be kept up-to-sync.
> Furthermore, I'd like to avoid storing all emails on my ISP. Having a
> local IMAP server and fetching automatically the emails from my ISP
> sounds quite promising at first glance.
> I plan to go for fetchmail to retrieve the email from the ISP and
> dovecot to provide the local IMAP server. Now I am a bit unsure about
> the setup. As far as I can see, it seems that most solutions found on
> the net involves a 3rd agent, for instance procmail.
> Is it possible to go only with fetchmail and dovecot? If I understood
> correctly, dovecot comes up with a LDA that can be directly evoked
> from fetchmail using the mda directive. Is this correct?
Yes, works fine.

> Does someone have succeed in setting such configuration up?
Not only can you do this, but you can add sendmail if you want to receive mail 
directly for some reason. This allows P2P connections although some ISPs block 
access to port 25 on customer machines.

> As I am a noob regarding emails servers technology, any help, advice,
> pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Pointer: by doing this you mail is totally in your hands and only as safe as 
your backup. It is no longer on a professionally managed IMAP server run by 
ISP. Depending on the value of the content you may want to consider your backup 
options. I won't discuss those options unless you ask another question. ;-)

> TIA,
> Lew.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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