Could anybody explain it, why GNOME folks decided to hide the Shutdown 
and especially Restart buttons/options from a user so well? Is it 
especially dangerous to use them nowadays? Or GNOME folks assume people 
do not shutdown/restart their computers anymore?

This "feature" could drive crazy any user new to GNOME 3.0. I tried it 
from the LiveCD first and get caught like a mouse in a trap.  Good for me 
I had Internet connection and found on google, ALT button changes Suspend 
to Shutdown. At least I had this option.

But again, since I was running it from the LiveCD I needed Restart 
instead.  You see, Fedora boot loader was picking up and locking DVD 
drive after restarting system so fast, it was "mission impossible" to 
open a tray and to remove the CD. Since I could not figure out how to 
restart the system, I had to shut it down, then reached BIOS, disabled CD 
boot and only then I was able to remove that damn CD from a tray.

"Revolution" indeed.

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