On 23 May 2011 22:08, Matthew Byrd <m...@byrdits.com> wrote:
> The basics.. you have an icon in the notification area of gnome or in
> the system menu.. click on the icon then you have a list of your hosts
> or groups or whatever, once you click on any one of the hosts or
> groups, you're prompted to choose the action you want to perform on
> the host or group. All the actions are simple templates with
> parameters so they're all open and modifiable. You can add more hosts
> or remove hosts, etc.
> I need something like this bad because my shell scripts are now in the
> hundreds and I'd rather be able to quickly do things to groups with my
> desktop.

If you want my advice, I would start by engaging with SSHMenu and it's
developers - it may be that the features you propose might be worth
integrating into the applet they already have, or you may find someone
there who can help you with developing it:


You may also be able to adapt much of what you currently do to work
with SSHMenu - you never know until you try it!

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