On 05/23/2011 12:18 PM, Tim Smith wrote:

> When it talks about SSID IEs, however, it isn't mentioning Probe Response or 
> Beacon explicity, but uses the weasel phrase "or that do not advertise an 
> authorised SSID" without specifying *HOW* that SSID is to be advertised :-)
> Also note the "an authorised SSID" in the sense of "at least one".
> I can "advertise an authorised SSID" in selected Probe Responses only when 
> the Probe Request contained that SSID and satisfy that requirement[1].

  I bow to your obvious expertise in this .. but it sure seems like it
violates the intent of the spec  ... nitpicking the doc aside :-)

  And I'll stick with my suggestion for people to stop recommending
hiding SSID as a security measure - it still sounds like bad advice to
me - unless an expert (Tim?) tells me otherwise .. :-)

  Thanks Tim for jumping in on this ...
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