On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 23:28, Kevin J. Cummings
<cummi...@kjchome.homeip.net> wrote:
> and that MediaConvert program is probably Windows only.  But, then
> again, if you can figure out what it is producing for output, ffmpeg
> will usually have a way to convert it into something you can use, though
> usually at the expense of your CPU cycles...

WWW.WinFF.org ... has a nice GUI and you don´t need to fiddle with
command line parameters.

I second what someone else said on this thread, you want a digitizer
card with a hardware mpeg2 encoder (there´s some with mpeg4, too, but
mpeg2 is good enough). That saves CPU cyclles and you end up with a
.mpg file with a decent size rather than several gigabytes of
uncompressed video.

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