Patrick O'Callaghan:
>> You already did that using "yum clean all". Note that "yum clean
>> packages" would probably have freed almost as much space without
>> removing yum metadata, which is why I suggested it earlier.

Joel Rees:
> Good point.
> I personally like to avoid stale metadata, so I tend not to think
> beyond the "all" option, but the metadata will be necessary as soon as
> Aradnix needs to do even a yum info, so it's space that's not really
> freed even if it's freed.

Not to mention that, barring faults, it's taken care of automatically.
If you don't need to renew the data, it's not renewed.  And it will be
refreshed when it needs it.  So, other than when fixing an actual
problem with your caching of data, it's a waste of time and bandwidth
(yours, and every mirror's) to manually fiddle with it.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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