JD wrote:

> On 05/03/11 11:29, Neal Becker wrote:
>> JD wrote:
>>> On 05/03/11 10:15, Neal Becker wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 03 May 2011, Tim Evans wrote:
>>>>> On 05/03/2011 10:54 AM, Neal Becker wrote:
>>>>>> Tim Evans wrote:
>>>>>> Doesn't seem to work.  I get:
>>>>>> Unsupported filesystem: iso9660
>>>>> As the package name suggests, you need to *create* the USB key and
>>>>> install the Fedora ISO on it.  That is, start over with an empty USB key
>>>>> and run the utility.
>>>> Starting with nothing but unallocated space on /dev/sdc, here's what
>>>> liveusb- creator says:
>>>> Fedora-15-x86_64-DVD.iso selected
>>>> Resetting Master Boot Record of /dev/sdc
>>>> Unsupported filesystem: iso9660
>>> For the sake of completeness, please
>>> post the command you used to  create the liveusb.
>> This was done with gui.  I typed 'liveusb-creator' from command line, enter
>> root pw, then select my ISO image from my hard drive, then press 'create usb'
>> (IIRC).
>> Tried with unallocated space.  Then tried after creating a single partition
>> with
>> VFAT (formatted).  This gives a different error:
>> Fedora-15-x86_64-DVD.iso selected
>> Verifying filesystem...
>> Verifying ISO MD5 checksum
>> ISO MD5 checksum passed
>> Extracting live image to USB device...
>> Unable to find LiveOS on ISO
>> LiveUSB creation failed!
>> Unable to find LiveOS on ISO
>> I guess only an iso designed for live will work?  Actually, I was _trying_ to
>> use the usb for install, not for live.
> On F14:
> $ /usr/sbin/liveusb\-creator &
> [1]    13654
> $ You must run this application as root
> [1] +  Done(1)                 /usr/sbin/liveusb\-creator &
> So, on F14, it will not even let the regular user run it.
> So, I am not sure if or why your version asked you for
> the root password.
> At any rate,  I su'ed to root and
> # /usr/sbin/liveusb\-creator
> **
> GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed:
> (connection->initialization_error == NULL)
> Abort(coredump)
> My version is  liveusb-creator-3.rpm -q liveusb-creator
Mine is:

$ which liveusb-creator
$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/liveusb-creator 

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