On Tue, 2011-05-03 at 15:19 +0300, Dj YB wrote:
> the problem is not limited to a single document or even to a single
> source.
> I am using Okular to read PDF documents.
> assuming the documents are good (they have no problem in windows
> machines), 

Well, that's still not an indication that they're good.  Okular might
have a problem.  Or, it could be that the PDFs were created badly, but
not noticed because of some strange behaviour of the Windows PDF reader.

I'd try reading them on another PDF reader on Linux (e.g. xpdf, evince),
just to work out whether it's Okular, or something else causing your
problem.  It might be the Okular is dependent on something else
providing PDF support (ghostscript, poppler, etc.).  But it looks like
Okular just depends on poppler to do the work.  You might want to verify
that it's installed properly, or that there aren't any bug reports for

If it makes it through the list, I've attached a very small PDF file
with four different letter pi's in it.  That PDF was created using
OpenOffice.org, and it embedded the fonts in the file.  I don't have
Okular installed to test it, but it works in evince and xpdf.

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Attachment: pi-test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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