On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:10 PM, Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com> wrote:
> Sounds as though the need for LibreOffice is about over,

There was never a "need" for LibreOffice. Only competing companies
wishing to wrest control of the project away from Oracle, like Novell
wanted to do for a long time to take control away from Sun. (Go-OO).

> we don't need two
> project if Oracle is serious about having letting OO go.

Nothing of what I read indicates this. What Oracle cancelled is
"Oracle Open Office" which was the new name given to StarOffice, the
commercial build of OpenOffice.org with the addition of propietary


You know, the product that used to be described at
http://sun.com/staroffice and which redirected to this Oracle.com page


(and which now is gone)

Google Cache:

> The people at LO are
> mostly former OO developers, so hopefully the projects could
> be unified.

Sun told me they had 100 paid developers working on
StarOffice/OpenOffice.org. At the time of the much-hyped "exodus" of
OpenOffice.org developers to "Libre" Office, the number of developers
"leaving" was quoted at around 30. So that means the "exodus" was only
one-third of the programming workforce, with 2/3 still employed by

Will Oracle lay off its 60 OpenOffice.org developers and cancel the
OpenOffice.org project? nothing of what I read indicates that, just
that they cancelled "Oracle Open Office", the commercial product

It´s the dumb ass reporting which confuses "Oracle Open Office" with
OpenOffice.org ...

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