I would like to write a script to extract two numbers from the following 
xml file:

        <graph caption="Customer: bobgood...@wildblue.net"
        xaxisname="Figures Shown Reflect Data Usage in the Last 30 Days"
        yAxisName="Data Usage" bgColor="E3ECF6" showGridBg="1"
        showCanvas="1" numdivlines="4" decimalPrecision="0"
        zeroPlaneColor="CCCCCC" zeroPlaneAlpha="40" numberSuffix="MB">
        <set name="Actual Usage Upload" value="1088" color="007CC2"/>
        <set name="Usage Threshold Upload" value="5000" color="9CA279"/>
        <set name="Actual Usage Download" value="12667" color="007CC2"/>
        <set name="Usage Threshold Download" value="17000" color="9CA279"/>

The two values I need are in this case the 1988 and the 12667.

        <set name="Actual Usage Download" value="12667" color="007CC2"/>

        <set name="Actual Usage Upload" value="1088" color="007CC2"/>

I need to create a script I can run daily to check and record our usage 
in order to stay within our allocation. I can muddle through the rest 
but it would save me a lot of struggling if someone could show me how to 
do this part. My effort so far has not been productive!

Thank you.



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