>> Of
>> course, you may not have room for a bigger desk, but IMO it's worth
>> considering.
> Very interesting.
> I guess I need to give this more thought.  I am spending way too much
> time on this !
Dunno if this helps.
I have a Dell 24" wide and an AOC standard 18inch to it's left.
I do a lot of devel and art work on 2 drupal web sites which requires  
at least 2 windows open for each and 3 if one counts ftp, 4 if one  
counts cpanel and a lot of Newsletter work in Inkscape, Scribus, Gimp,  
2 english and 1 Russian translation thereof and emails containing  
tranlsated text. I find dual monitors essential because I have to  
compare all or some of the above simultaneously across different media.
If I could run another one or two I'd be even happier.
One large monitor even with multiple desktops is far too limiting I  
need to able to slide windows off to the side while still visible, it's  
a massive benefit.

If your chair swivels as does mine the issue of a monitor off to the  
side is less problematic because it's easy to rearrange work.
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