
What do you suggest? Is it possible to replace completely the parts
with something else that's not this?


2011/4/3 Bruno Wolff III <>:
> On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 19:17:55 +0200,
>  Zoltan Hoppar <> wrote:
>> HI Bruno,
>> Sure, but I think if I loose less hair and I could forget broken
>> unfinished writes... I don't care of this fighting theatre. However I
>> really would like to know the truth, and we have also libburnia
>> project. Still more users experimenting strange errors... then can be
>> true either.
> There are several issues. There is the licensing, which could probably be
> resolved. There is the security issue of not filtering scsi commands.
> (I think I got burned by this, as I have an old DVD burner, that stopped
> being able to burn CDs, but can still burn DVDs that changed around the time
> that switch was made.) And there was (maybe still is, but I am not sure)
> cdrtools obscure way of referring to devices by scsi ids instead of file
> system paths. Plus, I get the impression that cdrtools is mostly a one man
> show, and that isn't good for future proofing.

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