Hi all,

I appear to have a problem with my DVD reader (Gigabyte Technology 16x16 
DVD rw/r).  When I put a dvd in the tray, sometimes the DVD title comes 
up in the "recent device" window, sometimes nothing.  When "nothing" 
comes up, sometimes the tray is locked & I can't get the disc out again. 
  I have a pair of DVDs, produced in Germany, one plays, the other 

If the disc loads, sometimes I can play it with Kaffeine, sometimes I 
have to use Bangarang, because Kaffeine doesn't see any start point on 
the disc.....

Then one time, Bangarang plays one disc; when I try to play a second one 
it crashes....

Anyone got any suggestions on how to try and debug this little lot?????

As ever, many thanks for any help you can give me!!!!



uname -ar
Linux Fedora-Blue #1 SMP Mon Feb 7 07:06:44 UTC 
2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
KDE, MSI880GM-e41 with Phenom II X6 1075T
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