On 03/30/2011 06:31 AM, Steve Blackwell wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 07:58:02 -0400
> Todd Zullinger<t...@pobox.com>  wrote:
>> On Mar 24, 2011 7:20 AM, "Steve Blackwell"<zep...@cfl.rr.com>  wrote:
>>> Ah, Thanks. That helped. Now I need to lookup the syntax of the
>>> install macro.
>> The install I'm referring to here is a normal command, not a macro.
>> Use man install.
> I have got my rpm to build successfully but now I have a dependency
> problem.
> My app depends on python so I have a
> Requires: python
> line in the .spec file. Python is installed on my target system but the
> python binary in located in /usr/bin as indicated by
> $ rpm -qil python
> When I try to install my rpm, it complains that it can't
> find /usr/local/bin/python.
> Any idea why my rpm is looking for python in all the wrong places?

One or more python scripts in your package contain this shebang:

Rpm is right to complain: If you tried to execute that file, it would 
fail because no such python interpreter exists on a normal Fedora 
installation. You need to locate + patch those files to refer to the 
system python path instead.

        - Panu -
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