On 29 March 2011 20:14, Michael Cronenworth <m...@cchtml.com> wrote:

> Aaron Gray wrote:
> > I need to get to the command line to do a 'modprobe DAC960' on
> > installing Fedora.
> >
> > Is this possible ?
> Is the Fedora installer not allowing you to install to hard drives
> located on your RAID card?

FC4 was working. post FC4 is not.

> If that is the case, I'm afraid Linux (the kernel, not Fedora) does not
> support your RAID card. A quick Google shows the last driver was
> compatible with the 2.4 Linux kernel. Fedora 14 uses the 2.6 kernel line.

FC4 was 2.6.11, looks like it may have been jettisoned later.

> Manually running modprobe will not work as there is no "dac960" kernel
> module for the 2.6 kernel and hardware detection is automatic these days
> (versus 2.2/2.4 kernels).

Right. How does the HW detection work now ?


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