On 2011/03/21 17:07, Christopher A. Williams wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 16:46 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> ...
>> As I've been writing this, something interesting has occurred to me: by
>> the time I stopped doing tech support for an ISP (Our call center was
>> closed and the entire support crew was laid off.) I had been "on the
>> phones" longer than anybody else there.  I found myself, more and more,
>> finding things obvious that nobody else understood or knew, simply
>> because none of the other techs had anywhere near my experience.
>> Considering how long I've been using Linux, this may well be simply
>> another case of my not realizing how different my experience level is
>> compared to the rest of the list.
> ...And for those of us on the list who have been running Linux pretty
> much exclusively since Red Hat Linux 4 and earlier (and who use sudo
> properly):
> def. Hubris (World English Dictionary)
> hubris or hybris ('hju:bris)
> -n
> 1. pride or arrogance
> 2. (in Greek tragedy) an excess of ambition, pride, etc, ultimately
> causing the transgressor's ruin

By nature the more "power" you give or Joe thinks he has the more
careful he is. I've seen that in action over many years. He's a good
fellow. (And he has been around computers long enough to have made
all the potentially disastrous errors and learned from them where his
caution has slipped.)

Personally I use sudo for one liners like running "mtr" or restarting
a mail daemon. Otherwise I use "su -l" on one shell screen and do all
the other preparatory work on user screens. So far I've managed to
avoid "rm -rf / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/foobar" sort of errors.
I consider myself lucky. I also consider taking backups before performing
surgery. (I wish I could do that with this meat I am wearing. {^_-})

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