> Has anyone else noticed a problem with Fedora 14 tiff readers.  All of
> the Tiff readers I have downloaded to this unit read the file in the
> same corrupted view.  This would make me believe it is related to some
> library file that all tiff readers use.

That would be libtiff:

Try providing a link to a sample file, in a message to their mailing list:

- Mike


I have an answer from Even Rouault on tifflib list.  I thought I would
post it here as well because this will affect all of us.

I have an example of the the image posted here if you want to try to
view it 



Le mardi 15 mars 2011 22:04:55, Gregory P. Ennis a écrit :

Hum, I see this is a CCITTFAX4 image. You got caught by a security fix
for CVE-2011-0192 that was found to be incorrect in its initial attempt.
It has been later fixed in upstream libtiff in 
http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2297 . It is very likely
that the correction will also go to Fedora in few days (the Ubuntu
libtiff also had the same issue and it has been updated today). This has
already been reported in

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