On 11Mar2011 11:53, Gregory Machin <g...@linuxpro.co.za> wrote:
| I have a script that needs to run from a cron job. I added the script
| as explained, in the deployment instructions.
| crontab -e (root) looks as follows
| * * * * *  /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ZabbixApacheUpdater.py -c server1
| -z > /dev/null 2>&1

Throwing away all the output is a good way to never find out what is
wrong. Try replacing:

  > /dev/null 2>&1


  >> my-script.output 2>&1

and looking at that file.

| But it's not doing anything.

It is probably failing very early.

| When I run the same syntax command from the command line it runs
| correctly every time.
| I have tried changing the fill permissions and the syntax of the cron
| entries but nothing works.
| Any ideas what I have missed ?

Crons environment is very spartan. Your .[bash_]profile etc have not run
and so on. Probably an environment variable is missing or too small.

By capturing the output in a file as described you should learn more.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

There are only two types of ships in the NAVY; SUBMARINES and TARGETS !!!
        - Richard Pierson
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